See You in Hell
A brutal tabletop RPG about tough guys, who stop an infernal invasion.
About the Game
Using these rules, you and your friends can tell an adventurous story about the near future full of explosions and shooting, which lasts for about two or three hours without any preparation. It will resemble brutal video games such as Doom, Rage, or Wolfenstein.
In this game tough guys* perform tasks to stop a demon invasion. According to the genre the game ends with an epic boss fight. The heroes either bring the villain down or go straight into the cauldrons of the Dimension-66 yourselves.
*Actually you can be anyone, who is capable to stop a demonic invasion.
It’s not necessary to read the rules if you’re a player. The GM will explain everything that you need.
To play you’ll need
- these rules
- task cards and a character sheet for each player (can be printed or cut directly from this book)
- writing supplies
- at least eight regular d6: 3 for the players, the rest — to the GM
- (optional) 15 tokens to keep track of Rage
Game Features
- Duration: 2-3 hours.
- No special preparation required.
- This is a story about tough guys in the near future.
- A cool picture is above realism.
- There is no strict order of turns.
- Players often describe their problems and the solutions themselves.
- Most of the time, you’re roasting demons instead of talking.
Softcover Book
You can buy the book at www.drivethrurpg.com
designer, layout
Sergei Rovenkov
editing and proofreading
Victoria Treskova
some arts were taken from freepik.com and freestocktextures.com
english translation
Letitsia Kevarkova
based on the game Our Bucket List
Sviatoslav Varnashov
Daniil Shipaev
Artur Sarvarov
special thanks to
Mikhail Zavodovsky
Aleksei Dediukhin
Sergei Shirokhov
Sergei Talankin